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Weed Control in Planting Beds: Best Practices & Products to Avoid

Written by Paul Welborn | Jun 25, 2024 2:46:00 PM

There are a couple of things in life you don’t want to have to deal with, and weeds are one of them.

In Memphis, TN and North MS, the battle against weeds in planting beds is an ongoing challenge for homeowners.

From invasive species to stubborn perennial weeds, these intruders can detract from  garden spaces and compete with desired plants for nutrients and moisture.

But with the right expertise, strategies, and products, effective weed control can be achieved without compromising the health of ornamental plants.

Let’s explore the best practices and recommended products for controlling weeds in planting beds, tailored specifically to the unique conditions and plantings of Memphis, TN and North MS.

Step One to Control Weeds in Planting Beds: Understand the Challenge

Before diving into weed control methods, it's essential to understand common weeds and their growth habits.

In this region, species such as crabgrass, dandelions, and nutsedge can quickly take over planting beds if left unchecked. Additionally, perennial weeds like thistle can persist year after year, making eradication a daunting task.

By familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of these weeds and their preferred growing conditions, you can develop targeted strategies for prevention and control.

Best Methods to Control Weeds in Planting Beds

Prevention is often the most effective strategy in weed control, and proper garden maintenance plays a crucial role in minimizing weed growth.

Start by inspecting planting beds for signs of weed emergence and removing any young weeds before they have a chance to establish themselves.

When it comes to tackling weeds, here are some strategies for planting bed weeding.


Mulching is an essential tool in weed control, as it helps to suppress weed growth by smothering seedlings and blocking sunlight from reaching the soil.

Organic mulch such as shredded bark is preferred, as it enriches the soil and breaks down over time, contributing to overall soil health.

Use Pre-Emergent Weed Control Products

Stopping weeds before they germinate is best way to keep your planting beds clean. 

We often think of weed control products as sprays applied to weeds that have already grown. Pre-emergent weed control products coat your planting beds with a thin layer of weed-blocking material that prevent the breakthrough of new weed seedlings.

These products are plant-safe herbicides that won’t hurt your existing plant material because they zero in on ungerminated weed seeds.

Pull Weeds By Hand

When it comes to weed control, an obvious method is pulling them out by hand.

But this can be challenging because when you pull a weed, many times the root is left behind. This means in a short time, you’ll have another weed show up, wasting your efforts. Many weeds also have very long root systems, making it tough to remove the entire root.

You can also use some weeding tools to help you get at the entire root of weeds when removing them by hand.

Use Post-Emergent Weed Control Products

If you have a landscape bed that is overrun with weeds, you can use a nonselective herbicide to tackle them, but this product will kill any plant it touches, so it’s best for when you’re starting fresh in a planting bed and don’t want to keep any of the plants you have in there or plan to remove them first.

When you work with a lawn care professional, they may also spot-spray weeds with a targeted herbicide that focuses only on the problematic weeds, and this weed control strategy can be used when you have some weeds but want to keep your other plants nearby intact.

Hiring a Pro To Help With Weed Control

When you hire a professional for your plant health care in Memphis, TN and North MS, they usually use a combination of strategies that help tackle various weeds with different growth patterns.

This integrated weed management strategy is both effective and sustainable. By rotating strategies and adapting techniques based on seasonal conditions and weed pressure, professionals can help you maintain healthy planting beds.

Hate Weeds? Give Them the Boot With Our Help

If you control weeds in your planting beds, you can focus on enjoying your yard instead of constantly battling these invaders.

With careful planning, diligent maintenance, and the use of weed control products applied by professionals, you can successfully manage weeds in planting beds while preserving the beauty and health of your landscape.

Noticing any weeds in your landscape beds? Want to learn more about what professional weed control services in Memphis, TN and North Mississippi include? Get started today with a free quote. We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then you can relax and enjoy your yard.