5 Tips for Choosing the Right Plant Health Care Company

plant health care technician shrub spray 9

A home landscape without trees, shrubs, and plants would be a pretty barren place. There’d be no shade from the hot Memphis, TN and North MS sun, no natural cooling to your house or reduced utility costs, no beauty outside to admire, and no noise buffers from traffic or your nosey neighbors.

Without beautiful, healthy trees, your home landscape can lose its value and curb appeal, not to mention be less attractive.

But to provide you with maximum benefits, trees and shrubs need to be taken care of so they remain healthy, thriving assets on your property instead of liabilities. The solution: a plant health care program.

Let’s look at the many components of a plant health care program and how you can choose the right plant health care service provider.

All About Plant Health Care Practices

Sure, some aspects of tree and shrub health may be out of your control, but there are certainly areas where you can make an impact.

What does it take for trees and shrubs to be their healthiest? Here we’ll learn more about plant health care practices.

What is Plant Health Care?

You want to make sure the trees and shrubs on your home landscape remain green and growing. That’s admirable.

plant health care technician spreading fertilizer on a shrub planting bed

And while plant health care sounds attractive, you might be asking yourself, “What is plant health care?”

Simply put, plant health care combines preventative and therapeutic treatments like plant fertilization to provide trees and shrubs with the nutrients and maintenance they need to thrive.

These services focus on the health and growth of plants to prevent pricey problems down the road like insect and disease infestations or plant decline that can lead to the death of a valuable resource on your property.

Why is Plant Health Care Important?

You want to think of plant health care a bit like tree and shrub insurance.

The service presents a cost-effective way to stay ahead of any potential issues that can add up and negatively impact the future of your trees and shrubs.

For landscapes that have been neglected, plant health care helps bring them back to good health. For home landscapes with healthy trees and shrubs, plant health care can optimize your landscape’s aesthetics and value.

How to Choose the Right Plant Health Care Company: 5 Key Tips

Now that you know what plant health care is, you want to learn how you can choose the right company to help you take care of your trees and shrubs.

When you receive a list of services and treatment plans from different companies, you want to make sure you review them thoroughly. Each plan you review should match your expectations.

1. Service Consistency

Plant health care services need to be reliable and consistent so your trees and shrubs can benefit.

plant health care technician inspecting planting bed shrubs

You want to find a company in Memphis, TN and North MS that is consistently great. Companies that value the work they do will be able to explain their process and standard to you, as well as how they uphold their quality. That’s the kind of company you want to work with.

2. Professionalism

Plant health care technicians come to your home on a regular basis. So, you want to look for a business that has service expertise and employs people who act polite and professional on your property.

You’re looking for a company that embodies values like trustworthiness, dependability, and proper training. You want to feel safe and confident that they are on your property.

These are the types of businesses that will also take responsibility for any mistakes they make.

3. Pride in Their Work

There are many plant health care companies you can hire in Memphis, TN and North MS. But you want a business with employees who treat your trees and shrubs like it’s their own.

That’s why you want to find a company that takes pride in their work. Tree and shrub problems can be very specific to your tree species, soil condition, sun exposure, and watering or pruning habits.

plant health care technician inspecting planting bed shrubs

As such, you want a company that trains their staff to look for these specifics and truly understand trees and shrubs in this area. You want someone who will be dedicated to figuring out your issues and resolving them.

This is why you should never receive quotes from professionals who have not seen your trees and shrubs. How would they know what services would fit or what your concerns are without talking to you?

4. Responsive Customer Service

When it comes to your trees and shrubs, you want to hire a company that offers responsive customer service.

You don’t want a company that will treat you like a number or won’t discuss your tree and shrub concerns with you and just leave you with a bill after barely paying attention to you or your plants.

You want a plant health care business that employs technicians who are available to answer your questions and quickly respond to them. You want a company that wants to invest time in you and your home landscape.

5. Look For a Company That Provides Multiple Services

There are many companies that offer just lawn care or just tree and shrub care. But if you’re looking for companies that offer both lawn care and plant health care, as well as other services you might need like pest control, this can limit your list further.

On top of seeking one company for all of your landscape needs, finding one that excels in all of these areas can add some additional complexity to your search.

plant health care technician spraying shrubs

Why is this important? Because you don’t need to call more than one company for all of your needs, and you can build a solid relationship with one company. This also builds trust and saves you time – what’s not to love?

Plant Health Care Practices You Can Believe In

When you choose a plant health care company in Memphis, TN and North Mississippi, you want to take the time to make a decision you feel good about. After all, your relationship will be long-lasting and close to home. You want to feel comfortable with the business you hire so you can ask questions anytime, maintain trust in the service provided, keep worries to a minimum, and – most importantly – have great looking trees and shrubs.

Between leaf spots and wilting branches or unstable branches, tree and shrub problems are hard enough to figure out. You don't need the extra hassle of hiring a company that doesn’t come through for you -- or, worse, does a poor job, meaning you have to repeat this search process all over again.

We know finding the right partner for your plants can be overwhelming. That’s why we’d like to help. We hope this list gives you some sense of the qualities you should be looking for. But we also hope you’ll consider Lawn & Pest Solutions in your search.

We’re committed to keeping you happy because we care about our customers. And we want to respond to your questions and resolve your issues as quickly as possible.

Ready to learn why Lawn & Pest Solutions should be your choice for plant health care services in Memphis, TN and North MS? We’re excited to learn more about you and help you have the best trees and shrubs on the block. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we can prepare a customized plan that is perfect for you and your yard.

Now is the time for your worry-free property!

Get a Plant Health Care Quote