Protect Your Family With Pest Control in Memphis, TN & North Mississippi
You clean your home so that it’s neat and makes you feel safe, secure, and cozy. You cut your grass and maintain your yard so you can enjoy an evening playing with your dog or children or even eating dinner al fresco on your patio. It only takes one thing to put a damper on any of these safe havens: pests! Lawn & Pest Solutions is here with our Pest 360 approach to make sure these pests don't get in your way. Use the drop down menu above to learn how to fight Memphis’ and North Mississippi's worst pests.
Put an End to the Ant Home Invasion
Warm weather comes with some classic images: a tall glass of iced tea, flip-flops, abundant sunshine. But it also comes with another staple: ants. You might see them marching across your hot driveway or nearby sidewalk. But your warm-weather wish list usually doesn’t include discovering a colony of ants in your house. You spend your limited free time keeping your home clean and organized; you don’t need ants ruining it.
Terminate Termites in Your Home
Does termite damage worry you? If it does, you’re not alone. Termites cause billions of dollars in structural damage every year and homeowners insurance rarely covers the cost of repairs. Many people don’t even know termites are there until it’s too late. No one wants to think that these pests are silently feasting on their home: their biggest investment. This is why our Termite 360 program with regular inspections and treatments is so important.
Take Back Your Yard From Mosquitoes
All you want to do some evenings is enjoy a little relaxation time in your backyard. But when mosquitoes strike, you can’t run back inside fast enough. From their high-pitched whirring to their itchy bites, mosquitoes are annoying outdoor pests. They are also the biggest transmitters of deadly diseases like West Nile virus. Our Mosquito 360 control can help you get rid of mosquitoes and take back your outdoor enjoyment time.
Combat Cockroaches Before They Take Over Your Home
Cockroaches lurk in corners and crevices, scattering when the lights come on and making you do multiple double-takes. They are also very persistent with their quest for food. They invade your home and make your personal, intimate spaces their own. Once inside, they can multiply quickly. In fact, in as little as three months, you could go from a couple of cockroaches to a big infestation that requires pest control services.
Stop Playing a Cat-And-Mouse Game with Mouse Control
Unfortunately, mice in your home can often go undetected. Where do you think the phrase “quiet as a mouse” came from? Mice are small and sneaky and can squeeze through dime-sized openings to find little bits of food to eat and all sorts of materials to use to make their nests. Their targets include your home, garage, or shed. Proper home pest control can help you protect your domains.
Fight Fire (Ants) with Fire
Nothing disrupts time in your yard quite like fire ants. They can not only swarm suddenly, but they can be aggressive, producing painful stings. When you have a fire ant problem in your yard all you want to do is avoid them and – better yet – get rid of them to protect your family and pets from these harmful attacks. Targeted pest control is the answer - get it with Fire Ant 360.
Don’t Fear Fleas in Your Backyard
We hate to break it to you, but your backyard could be full of fleas … and you might not even know it. There’s not much worse than spotting those jumping black dots on your dog’s fur or your favorite living room chair. These small but mighty pests carry potentially bigger problems too like typhus. If you have pets that go outdoors, they can bring fleas in. Protect your family and pets with pest control.
Put Your Bed Bug Problem to Bed Once and For All
Once bed bugs get into your home, they can take over, turning fresh sheets and linens into pest havens. And, unfortunately, much of the blame for their resurgence is the increase in people traveling and shipping more goods around the world. Discovering bed bugs in your home can be devastating because they are so invasive. This is why once you bring them in, getting them out can be tough without professional pest control services. These are one of those pests that require professional assessment and the right applications at the right time.
Is Your Spider Sense Tingling?
Spiders don’t have the best reputation. It probably has to do with those eight long legs and creepy webs. Despite being a nuisance, spiders do help take care of mosquitoes and other pests lurking nearby. But if you notice a lot of spiders in and around your home, that means you probably have a good population of other pests. So your spider problem could be a full-on, multiple-pest problem that needs pest control services.
Tick All the Boxes for Maximum Tick Control
When you go outside, your main goal is to have a little fun – maybe play a game of fetch with your dog or kick the soccer ball around with your kids. After all, everyone likes a bit of sunshine and fresh air. What’s not fun is when you have to constantly check your pets and kids for disease-carrying ticks every time they step food outdoors. Take back your yard with tick-focused pest control.
Flies on the Wall? Knock Them Down With Pest Control
Summer brings opportunities to enjoy time outdoors in the warm, fresh air. You might cook dinner on the grill or enjoy your morning coffee on the patio. But the biggest enemies of a good barbecue or garden party are flies. Their relentless peskiness can wreck an outside activity in an instant. Pest control services can rid you of these yard and home menaces.
Tell Wasps to Buzz Off Your Property
When you have a lot of wasps buzzing around your property, it can make enjoying your Memphis or North Mississippi backyard tough. This is particularly the case when these pests sting, since their stings can be painful. Managing wasp nests with pest control services can ensure problems don’t exist indoors or outdoors.
Find the Right Tools to Battle Carpenter Bees
These bees get their name because they like to work with wood; more specifically, they build nests by tunneling into wood, such as in your deck, fence posts, picnic tables or other structures. While a single hole in your wood won’t cause structural damage, multiple tunnels can weaken wood and expose it to moisture and mold. Targeted pest control can keep them off your property.
Get Rid of the Lady(bugs) in Red
You might think of ladybugs as cute little insects that are quite harmless in nature. While these pests cause little damage to your home nor do they raid your pantry, they are considered nuisance pests. As the weather cools, they look for entries into your home to find shelter and warmth. And they enter in numbers and then multiply. This makes them a tough insect to target for pest control.
Raise a Stink Against Stink Bugs
You might notice strange-looking pests clinging to your door and window screens, trying to come inside through cracks and crevices as temperatures cool. It might feel like you’re part of the plot of a sci-fi thriller when, in fact, these broad, shield-shaped insects are just stink bugs. They release a pungent odor when frightened or crushed, giving them their name. In large numbers, they can be hard to manage. Pest control can help.
We don't allow bugs and pests in our home or our yards. They don't belong in yours either. That's why we offer Pest 360, our comprehensive pest control program.
Your comfort and well-being are top priorities. Our quarterly pest control services offer a proactive approach to ensure your home remains a sanctuary, free from the disruptions caused by pests. Embrace the outdoors with confidence through our specialized mosquito control measures, providing you with a bug-free environment to enjoy. For businesses, our commercial pest control services are tailored to seamlessly integrate with your operations, allowing you to focus on what matters most.
Explore our services and let us contribute to your pest-free journey.
Create a Perimeter of Defense Against Pests
Pesky insects that can ruin your day. Fleas and ticks can carry some dangerous diseases, and ants and cockroaches can be attracted to the water, food, and shelter you offer indoors. You certainly didn’t invite them to set up shop in your cozy home. While pests may emerge every year, you don’t have to share space with them. Quarterly pest control can save your family and your home from insect invasions.
Pest Control Can Be Your Ultimate Mosquito Net
Mosquitoes are a backyard nuisance. They not only buzz around, but they cause itchy welts and can even carry some nasty diseases. They also breed very quickly and easily, doubling and tripping their numbers in small pools and puddles of water. Once mosquitoes ruin more than a few backyard parties, and all the bug spray and citronella candles don’t help, you get tired of wasting time and money on ineffective solutions. You need professional pest control services – STAT! That's where Mosquito 360 comes in.
Termites Don’t Stand a Chance With Proper Pest Control
Once you have a pest infestation like termites that can destroy your home and cost you thousands of dollars in needed repairs, you want to know the treatment you employ will work – and work fast. Opt for a pest control solution, like Termite 360, that is scientifically designed to eliminate the entire subterranean termite colony, including its queen.
Cost-Effective Commercial Pest Control
Memphis and North Mississippi businesses have enough to worry about. They certainly don’t need to be distracted by pests like ants, mice, and cockroaches. With a proper pest elimination and prevention program, commercial companies can safeguard their reputations and protect the health of their employees and customers, as well as meet regulatory requirements.

"Mosquito spray works great. Since Lawn & Pest Solutions treated my property I haven't had a single bite. I highly recommend their mosquito services."
Cynthia M.