360 Guarantee
If you’re not fully satisfied with this service, it’s on us!
If you’re not fully satisfied with your service, it’s on us!
Our skilled technicians are dedicated. They work hard to bring your lawn to its thickest, greenest potential, and to keep your home or office free of invasive pests. That means that “good enough” just doesn’t cut it.
The Lawn & Pest Solutions' 360 Guarantee ensures you will be satisfied with every application made as part of one of our 360 programs—whether it’s placing fire ant bait or applying fertilizer to your lawn, and anything in between. We know your home, your yard, and your situation are unique. If delivering results takes more treatments than listed in the timelines on each 360 program page, we’ll apply these re-treatments at no extra cost.
If you’re still not satisfied, we will, upon your request, fully refund your payment for the original application and discontinue future service.
We do not guarantee lawn or shrub replacement.

"Mosquito spray works great. Since Lawn & Pest Solutions treated my property I haven't had a single bite. I highly recommend their mosquito services."
Cynthia M.