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How to Keep Planting Beds Free of Weeds (& Why Landscape Fabric Isn't the Answer)

Weeds in your Memphis or North Mississippi landscape beds are the worst.

They stand out like eyesores among your prized plants. All you want to do is run out there and yank them out of the ground, but – heaven forbid – you get the top and not the root in your haste, and you know that weed will grow back in the same place.

How to kill weeds in flower beds starts with proper plant health care in Memphis and North Mississippi – and this goes beyond landscape fabric, which hasn’t proven to do the job.

The following key tasks can ensure weed-free beds in your yard (and much less stress for you):

Let’s examine these best practices for managing weeds in plant beds so you can banish these blemishes and enjoy your lovely landscape again.

How to Control Weeds in Flower Beds: Know Your Weeds

Before exploring how to kill weeds in flower beds, let’s look at the major weeds we fight here.

In this area, weeds like crabgrass, dandelions and nutsedge can quickly take over planting beds if left unchecked. Also, perennial weeds like thistle can persist, making eliminating them pretty tough.

Knowing how these weeds operate specifically can mean you better target them. This focus can lead to better weed control results.

Top Ways to Control Weeds in Flower Beds

How are your planting beds looking lately? Feel like you’re pulling a weed every other day?

There are some key ways to prevent weeds in plant beds as well as fight them when and if they arrive.

These essential tasks can keep you focused on methods that really work, so you don’t get distracted by solutions that tend to overpromise results like landscape fabrics.


When it comes to preventing weeds in flower beds, mulching each year is something you have to do.

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Not only does annual mulch suppress weed growth by smothering those emerging seedling and blocking them from receiving the sunlight they need to grow, but mulch also brings you other benefits.

Mulch cools your soil, keeps your soil temperature even, and even enriches soil as it breaks down if you use organic mulch like shredded bark.

Correct Hand-Pulling of Weeds

While this is by far the slowest and most tedious process to manage weeds in flower beds, hand pulling weeds correctly can be effective.

What’s challenging is when you pull weeds by hand, you have to get the root of the weed or else that weed will come back. So you can use a weeding tool to get this done right. And it can help remove those random weeds that can show up on occasion.

Since weeds are opportunistic, one weed is bound to sneak in, so use this strategy when you need to to keep those surprise weed appearances at bay.

Use Pre-Emergent Weed Control Products

For certain weeds like crabgrass, applying preemergent weed control at the right times is crucial to stopping these prevalent weeds before they emerge when they are easiest to control.

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And since crabgrass is a prolific seeder, stopping it before it starts means you won’t have to deal with more and more weeds in your plant beds.

Use Post-Emergent Weed Control Products

Once you do see weeds, postemergent weed control in plant beds is the way to go.

This approach involves spot spraying weeds with a selective herbicide that targets those types of weeds.

If you use a nonselective herbicide, remember it will kill any plant it touches. So these should only be used when you are prepping an entirely new plant bed for planting.

Hire a Pro To Manage Your Weedy Beds

When you opt for professional plant health care in Memphis and North Mississippi, you have an expert using all of the above strategies to tackle your weeds.

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They use an integrated weed management approach to effectively target weeds with strategies that work using optimum tools and timing for sustainable control. By using all the tools and knowledge at their exposure, a professional can keep your landscape beds optimally weed-free.

Banish Weeds in Flower Beds with Lawn & Pest Solutions in Memphis and North Mississippi

If you can’t figure out how to control weeds in your flower beds, you might be pulling your hair out as you continually pull out these nasty blemishes in your landscape.

Stop the insanity. There is a better way. Let Lawn & Pest Solutions help ease your weed worries and deliver weed-free beds that you love.

Noticing any weeds in your landscape beds? Want to learn more about what professional weed control services in Memphis and North Mississippi include? Get started today with a free quote. We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then you can just relax and enjoy your yard.

Ready to Clean Up Your Planting Beds?

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