Spiders are pretty creepy. In the movies, they are downright terrifying. Put a little extra light and close camerawork on them, and their eerie features amplify. You’ve likely seen the movie, "Arachnophobia” or even “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, and you know spiders have got a nasty reputation for inducing terror and mayhem.
What makes spiders so menacing? They lurk and hide. After you walk through their webs, you can’t help but think you have something crawling on you the rest of the day.
But that doesn’t mean you have to like having them around.
In fact, if you notice a ton of spiders in and around your home, it might be a sign you are drawing them in with other bugs, which are a spider’s main food source. You could even be using all kinds of DIY products from your local home improvement store, and nothing is helping to eliminate the spiders, their webs, or the other pests.
Let’s talk about spider control services in Memphis, TN & North MS, so you have some options for battling these arachnids.
Unless you start charging rent, you probably don’t want your home to be a spider hotel. We get it. Who wants that?
You may have even tried some random products from your nearby hardware store, but you’re still finding webs. That can certainly be frustrating.
It may be time to send those spiders packing for good.
But first you may want to know what kind of spiders you’re dealing with in Memphis, TN and North MS.
Black widow and brown recluse are two of the worst species in our area because they are venomous. You can find them outside, but only the black widow is native to this area. And you can tell it apart from the rest with its black body and red hourglass marking. Brown recluses aren’t as common, thank goodness.
A big, scary-looking spider you might find in Memphis, TN and North MS is the wolf spider. It’s furry, brown, and fairly creepy looking. Luckily, their bites are very mildly venomous – only causing some itching. These spiders are usually outdoors, but they are known to come inside when temperatures start to drop as they search for prey and shelter.
Some others you’ll find in this area include yellow house spiders, cobweb spiders, and jumping spiders. Yellow house spiders with quarter-inch length, yellow-green bodies are fast crawlers. Cobweb spiders are pretty small; they build webs to catch insects. Jumping spiders are hairy and black – you’ll find them on ceilings and moving in short, fast jumps.
All of these spiders like to move indoors when it becomes cooler outside.
But can a spider exterminator get rid of spiders? Unless the spider bodies touch the ground and are in contact with an insecticide, then they normally aren't impacted by a pesticide – this includes the DIY products you’re using from the home improvement store. Their eight legs do them a service by keeping their bodies off the ground. Let’s learn what does get rid of spiders and how a pest control pro can help.
Most of the time, spiders don’t want to be bothered, so they set up shop in areas that match that. Think places like corners, crevices, and ceilings. This is where their webs will be.
Spiders will start by making these webs right outside near your entrances and lights. This gives them easier access inside when temperatures cool.
So one how to get rid of spiders tip is to knock down spider webs. You can do this with a duster, broom, or vacuum attachment.
It’s just a natural way to move them out. Spiders that don’t have homes will find a new place to reside.
Next, a spider exterminator will look at your home and figure out where spiders are coming in.
Once they do that, they will seal doorways and windows to ensure these eight-legged creepy-crawlies stay out.
This involves filling in any holes or gaps around seals and any other entry points into your home with caulk to deter spiders from coming inside in the first place.
Spiders like to hide. So, if you have piles of clutter and boxes, then they’ll likely create webs, enjoying their time in your cozy and dusty nooks and crannies.
But if your spider pest control includes clearing the clutter by vacuuming regularly, including around window sills and floorboards and under and behind furniture, then you’ll eliminate spiders’ favorite types of places.
Just like you and me, spiders need to eat and drink to survive.
If you’re noticing a ton of spiders in your home, it’s usually a sign you are providing them with a food source, which means you have a steady supply of other insects, such as moths, flies, and beetles, available for them.
Getting rid of spiders includes overall pest control. A pest control professional can reduce the number of other insects in your home with regular pest control treatments, such as perimeter pest control. This reduces spiders’ food sources, leaving spiders to go somewhere else to dine.
Once spiders and other bugs are out, keeping up with exterior pest control throughout the year continues that barrier to keep those pests outdoors, while you are comfortable indoors.
While spiders eat other bugs, and this is one of their perks, that doesn't mean you want them residing in your home causing all kinds of mayhem. And they don’t even pay rent.
If you’re concerned about the number of webs and spiders you’re seeing in and around your home, and you’ve tried some DIY and cleanup strategies that aren’t working, give Lawn & Pest Solutions a call.
We have experienced technicians that know exactly where to look and how to clear spiders with some key spider pest control tactics. This is the fastest way to get the job done without increasing your spider populations, and the quickest way to get you to a pest-free home.
We want you to be able to enjoy your home – spider-free. Give Lawn & Pest Solutions a call and we’ll bring our proven pest control experience and create a custom plan for your Memphis, TN and North Mississippi home. Get started today with a free quote.