Is your lawn looking a little exhausted?
Throughout the seasons, your lawn can take a beating. And a thin, faded lawn can stand out when you’re used to looking at thick, green grass.
Even with correct fertilization, proper watering, and regular mowing, your lawn can still start to look worn out from mower and foot traffic. You might be at a loss as to what to do next when you’ve done everything else right.
That’s where aeration can be a key piece of the lawn care puzzle. But just because it’s good for your lawn doesn’t mean you should do it all the time … or should you?
In Memphis, TN and North MS, our warm-season grasses grow most in spring to early summer, from early May to late July.
Unfortunately, lawn aeration in spring opens up areas for weeds to germinate, so it’s important to avoid aerating when weeds are looking to put down roots.
And lawn aeration in fall disrupts grass as it’s approaching dormancy, so that would also be a stressful time for the grass.
Spring, before weeds can germinate and when your grass grows vigorously, is the ideal time for aeration in our region.
Core aeration is when you use a special machine called an aerator to pull small soil cores or plugs from your lawn. Those cores are then deposited back across the lawn as the machine works, breaking down over the next week or so to redeposit organic matter back into your lawn’s soil.
The process might seem relatively simple, but it adds quite a few benefits.
Professional lawn aeration breaks up this compacted soil, allowing those three elements to continue nourishing your lawn roots again. Aeration also creates room for deeper grass root growth.
Aeration also helps alleviate thatch buildup and thin turf. Thatch is a layer of dead and living plant material that builds up between the soil and grass blades of the lawn. These stems, leaves, and roots don’t decompose properly and can build up when the grass produces organic debris faster than it can break down.
When looking at an aeration schedule, it’s important to factor in the number of times you do aeration as well.
In this area, once a year is usually adequate.
If you walk on your soil and it feels rock solid and is also looking thin or patchy, this can be a sign of when to aerate.
But if your grass is healthy and thriving and hasn’t been impacted by a lot of equipment or foot traffic, you may not need aeration.
Once annually is great to keep that compaction away.
Aeration can greatly benefit your lawn when done properly each year in Memphis, TN and North MS.
You can encourage aeration’s advantages by avoiding some common mistakes, including remembering when to aerate.
First, never use the wrong equipment. Using spiked shoes or renting a machine from the local department store may not provide the same results as hiring a professional. A core aerator is the tool professional lawn care companies prefer for proper aeration.
This tool removes 2- to 3-inch soil plugs at half-inch diameters approximately 2 to 3 inches apart throughout your lawn. Using the wrong equipment or using equipment incorrectly may not result in benefits and could even damage your turf.
For best results, you also want to focus on proper timing. As we mentioned above, early May to late July is the ideal timing for our warm-season grasses.
Now that you know aeration’s benefits and when to aerate your lawn in Memphis, TN and North MS, you are ready to plan for this as part of your lawn care strategy.
Hiring a professional lawn aeration service means you receive a proactive approach to lawn care that includes high-end equipment and great results. And choosing not to do this yourself means you don’t have to deal with a bare, discolored lawn or lackluster results.
If you still have questions about aeration, give Lawn & Pest Solutions a call. We want to help you make the best decision for you. We can help you compare programs and costs so you know what a professional lawn aeration program includes, when it should be done, and how it can impact your lawn.
Want to improve your lawn’s health and create a thicker, greener lawn in Memphis, TN and North MS? Lawn & Pest Solutions can help. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we’ll customize a plan that gives you the most attractive lawn on the block.